Field of Operation

With a focus on delivering comprehensive solutions for every project, EXPC stands ready to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our experienced team collaborates closely with stakeholders to develop customized strategies, ensuring that every aspect of the project is handled with precision and care, resulting in successful execution and satisfaction.


Offshore Wind Consultant & Logistics






Project Management


Power Plant


  • Heavy-Lift Transportation: Safe and efficient transport of oversized and heavy equipment for complex projects.
  • Multimodal Transportation: Combining road, sea, air, and rail transport to optimize costs and delivery times.
  • Project Cargo Handling: End-to-end management of specialized cargo, from loading to delivery.
  • Onshore and Offshore Installations: Expert installation services for both onshore and offshore energy and infrastructure projects.


  • Warehousing & Distribution: Secure storage solutions and streamlined distribution services for project materials.
  • Project Cargo Handling: End-to-end management of specialized cargo, from loading to delivery.
  • Onshore and Offshore Installations: Expert installation services for both onshore and offshore energy and infrastructure projects.


  • Supply Chain Management: Integrated solutions to optimize procurement, inventory, and delivery timelines.

Route Surveys & Feasibility Studies: Conducting detailed route analysis and feasibility assessments for complex logistics projects.

  • Customs Brokerage: Expertise in customs documentation and regulatory compliance.
  • Engineering & Technical Support: Providing technical expertise and load testing for project logistics.

Risk Management & HSE Compliance: Ensuring safety and regulatory compliance throughout the logistics process.

  • Port Operations: Comprehensive port handling services, including loading, unloading, storage, and customs clearance.

Emergency Logistics Services: Rapid response solutions for urgent shipments and time-sensitive cargo handling.

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