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At EXPC, we are dedicated to building a talented team that drives our success. We value diversity and look for individuals who are innovative, proactive, and eager to take on challenges. Join us to shape the future of logistics and enhance your career journey in a thriving environment.

Collaboration Opportunities

At EXPC, we seek strategic alliances that enhance our service offerings and expand our capabilities. If you are interested in exploring how we can work together, please reach out. Together, we can tackle the complexities of logistics and create impactful solutions.

Learn More

Explore our website to dive deeper into EXPC's mission, values, and the range of services we offer. You will find valuable insights into our projects and learn how we can help you achieve your logistics goals. Don't hesitate to contact us for any questions or custom solutions
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    // Gọi hàm cập nhật khi DOMContentLoaded

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    // Hàm cuộn đến vị trí mục tiêu
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            targetIndex = currentIndex - 1 >= 0 ? currentIndex - 1 : currentIndex;

        // Cuộn đến section mục tiêu

    // Cập nhật lại vị trí section khi thay đổi kích thước cửa sổ
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